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Rome wasn't built in a day... but you can see the best bits in 24 hours

  • Inspiration
  • By Ashleigh Simmons
  • Published 17 January 2018
  • Published 17 January 2018

Italy is one of the most vast and beautiful countries in the world, full of natural wonder, iconic landmarks and, of course, delicious cuisine. The capital metropolis, Rome, is a destination that should be on everyone’s bucket list and with so much to see, it can seem a little daunting. But, if Rome is just a pit-stop on your European adventure, Winged Boots has the perfect itinerary for you to make the most out of your time here and create the most memorable 24 hours of your life. It’s called the Eternal City for a reason…

First things first

Rome involves a lot of pavement pounding so prepare yourself with plenty of water, comfortable shoes and a camera to ensure you don’t miss a thing. Whether you arrived in Rome the night before or on the day of all your exploring, an early start is essential to fit everything in. Also, plan ahead. There’s nothing worse than wandering around aimlessly when you’re on a time restriction so grab a map on your way to the city and plan out your route. Stopping to ask for directions will also slow you down – especially if you don’t speak Italian! Or, why not check out our private tour of the best bits of Rome for a head start on your first four hours?

Due to the early start, you might need a little bit of a buzz. Authentic coffee shops are dotted all over Rome so grab an espresso on your way to the first destination and a pastry too if you’re feeling peckish. We recommend hitting the Piazza Navona for your black liquid as there’s nothing better than watching the city slowly come to life in this bustling square. Although breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you’ll definitely benefit from having something light in preparation for a gourmet Italian feast at lunch and dinner.

7AM - Start the day right

Due to the early start, you might need a little bit of a buzz. Authentic coffee shops are dotted all over Rome so grab an espresso on your way to the first destination and a pastry too if you’re feeling peckish. We recommend hitting the Piazza Navona for your black liquid as there’s nothing better than watching the city slowly come to life in this bustling square. Although breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you’ll definitely benefit from having something light in preparation for a gourmet Italian feast at lunch and dinner.

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8AM - Try your luck at the Trevi Fountain

Yes, the Trevi Fountain is a huge tourist hotspot and is usually packed with people but the earlier you go, the better. Snap pictures of the incredible landmark and throw a few cents in the water which tradition states it guarantees a trip back to Rome. Depending on the length of the lines, you could spend up to two hours here. But, treat yourself by popping in to one of the small gelato parlours that are just steps away from the fountain and choose your favourite flavour. Devour into this creamy goodness as you walk just 15-minutes to your next destination – you guessed it – the Colosseum.  

Although it would be fantastic to do a full guided tour of the iconic Colosseum, it’s so expansive and the entry lines are so long that you simply won’t have the time. Take a stroll around the entirety of the landmark, admiring the gorgeous ancient ruins and the stunning cherry blossoms if you’re visiting in spring. Our tip? While you’re wandering around the Colosseum at your own pace, you’re guaranteed to overhear some facts given on guided tours, perfect for expanding your knowledge yet not being bogged down following an expert.

10:30AM - Get clued up at the Colosseum

Although it would be fantastic to do a full guided tour of the iconic Colosseum, it’s so expansive and the entry lines are so long that you simply won’t have the time. Take a stroll around the entirety of the landmark, admiring the gorgeous ancient ruins and the stunning cherry blossoms if you’re visiting in spring. Our tip? While you’re wandering around the Colosseum at your own pace, you’re guaranteed to overhear some facts given on guided tours, perfect for expanding your knowledge yet not being bogged down following an expert.

12:30PM - Re-energise with a midday meal

It’s now time to refuel and take the weight off with an early lunch. Hunting for the right spot in tourist-ridden areas can be extremely difficult as restaurants lure you in with their prime destination and views of the monuments but some can often be mediocre and overpriced for the quality. Our recommendation is La Taverna dei Fori Imperiali which is just a short walk from the Colosseum but far from mediocre. This family-run eatery boasts famous diners such as Bruce Springsteen, Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman and an extensive menu full of delicious Italian classics. Every dish here is created with passion and precision and only the freshest of ingredients. If you’re in the mood for veal with gorgonzola, fettucine alla carbonara and Caesar salad with grilled chicken, this is most certainly the place for you.

Once your stomach is full, it’s time to burn off those calories with a walk up the iconic Spanish steps. Don’t worry, you’re still in Rome even though the structure is Spanish; these beautiful stairs descend to the picturesque Franciscan Church of Trinita dei Monti and are surrounded by stunning 18th century buildings. You can spend roughly 20-minutes at this bustling square. Oh, and just minutes away from the Spanish steps you’ll find a plethora of designer stores such as Chanel, Gucci and Prada. When in Rome it would be silly not to indulge in a bit of retail therapy – after all, half the fun is saying “oh, I just picked this up in Rome” to your envious loved ones back home.

2:30PM - A Spanish Afternoon

Once your stomach is full, it’s time to burn off those calories with a walk up the iconic Spanish steps. Don’t worry, you’re still in Rome even though the structure is Spanish; these beautiful stairs descend to the picturesque Franciscan Church of Trinita dei Monti and are surrounded by stunning 18th century buildings. You can spend roughly 20-minutes at this bustling square. Oh, and just minutes away from the Spanish steps you’ll find a plethora of designer stores such as Chanel, Gucci and Prada. When in Rome it would be silly not to indulge in a bit of retail therapy – after all, half the fun is saying “oh, I just picked this up in Rome” to your envious loved ones back home.

4:45pm - Wave hello to the Pope

Now, it’s time to give your feet a rest and hail a taxi to take you to Vatican City. This is a must-see while in Rome and even if you’re not a fan of visiting churches or religious sites, you will be after this. Vatican City is a country in its own right, technically separate from Rome and is owned by the Catholic Church, boasting incredible splendour and a wealth of lavish beauty. Stroll around the Vatican before concluding with a visit to the Sistine Chapel, showcasing the stunning ceiling artwork by Michelangelo that truly has to be seen to be believed. Remember, the Sistine Chapel has a strict no photography policy when it comes to the ceiling – you can risk it, but you’re likely to be screamed at in Italian by an official and ordered to delete the image. We recommend you spend roughly two hours – if not more – in Vatican City as there’s just so much to see.  Oh, and don’t forget to dress appropriately. The chapels and basilicas in the city are ultimately places of worship so ensure you’re covered up before entering otherwise you will be turned away.

This is another religious site that you truly can’t miss out on. After a 10-minute taxi journey from Vatican City, you’ll arrive at this gorgeous Ancient Roman monument that is 142-feet in height and boasts more than seven million visitors each year. This concrete dome is certainly a sight for sore eyes and still has its original marble floor completely intact. Just a heads-up though, although the Pantheon is currently free to enter, as of May 2018 each guest will be charged two euro in contribution to the maintenance of the structure. Spend around 30-minutes here before heading to the next spot on your 24-hour Roman adventure.

7:30PM - Say your prayers at the Pantheon

This is another religious site that you truly can’t miss out on. After a 10-minute taxi journey from Vatican City, you’ll arrive at this gorgeous Ancient Roman monument that is 142-feet in height and boasts more than seven million visitors each year. This concrete dome is certainly a sight for sore eyes and still has its original marble floor completely intact. Just a heads-up though, although the Pantheon is currently free to enter, as of May 2018 each guest will be charged two euro in contribution to the maintenance of the structure. Spend around 30-minutes here before heading to the next spot on your 24-hour Roman adventure.

8PM - The breaking of bread

We know what you’re thinking – dinner at 8pm is far too late! Actually, Italians don’t tend to eat their evening meal until this time at the earliest and it’s very unlikely that you’ll find restaurants open before 8pm. So, don’t forget to contact our personal travel managers for some recommendations as well as hooking you up with reservations. While you’re here, our top picks include the Michelin-starred Acquolina Hostoria which is perfect for seafood, All’Oro for the ultimate al fresco experience and Il Pagliaccio, headed up by talented chef Anthony Genovese. Italians are also very serious about their wine so expect an experienced sommelier on hand at each of these eateries as well as an extensive wine list boasting the best in reds, whites and rosés. Once your stomach is satisfied, why not take a final stroll around the Roman streets before heading back to your hotel? Nip into hidden bars for a post-dinner drink or two or a gelato parlour for one last taste of heaven – you can never have too much in Italy! But now, you must be knackered, so hail a taxi back to your hotel and get a restful night’s sleep before your morning departure.

Tagged: Europe, Italy
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